Key Take-aways from our January Event

Our event on January 15th, “Breaking the Silence at the Workplace: Menopause and Perimenopause”, shed light on menstrual health, perimenopause, and menopause—critical yet often overlooked topics that deeply impact individuals and workplace dynamics. Here are a few take-aways that you may find helpful:

1. Menstrual Health and Awareness

  • Painful periods are not normal: Keri highlighted that 90% of menstruators experience life-impacting symptoms, often undiagnosed. Conditions like endometriosis require greater awareness and advocacy.
  • Tracking cycles empowers individuals: Inna shared how understanding her cycle allowed her to manage symptoms and align her life with hormonal phases. Viewing the menstrual cycle holistically—physically and emotionally—can transform fear into empowerment.

2. Hormonal Phases and Their Effects

  • Ovulation phase: A time of heightened energy and productivity.
  • Progesterone phase: A calming period with increased cravings. Choosing healthier options helps maintain balance.

3. Perimenopause: The Overlooked Transition

  • This stage, often lasting up to five years, involves hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, mood swings, and self-doubt.
  • Many women feel undervalued at this stage, affecting their confidence and productivity.
  • Victoria emphasized the importance of rest, relaxation, and open communication with colleagues and managers to foster understanding and reduce stigma.

4. Menopause and Post-Menopause

  • Defined as 12 consecutive months without a period, menopause can vary widely in symptoms, from mild discomfort to severe disruption.
  • Diane stressed the importance of education, lifestyle changes, and working with healthcare professionals to manage this phase effectively.

5. Healthspan vs. Lifespan

  • While women’s average lifespan is 84 years, their healthspan (free from chronic illness) averages only 64 years.
  • Prevention strategies include:
  • Nutrition: High-protein, low-sugar diets.
  • Exercise: Strength training for bone and muscle health.
  • Sleep: Prioritizing quality rest.
  • Community: Building supportive relationships.
  • Healthcare: Collaborating with informed providers.

Workplace Implications and Advocacy

  • Menopause-related challenges cost billions annually in medical expenses (U.S.) and lead to workplace attrition. In the U.K., 75% of women report symptoms affecting their work, with 11% leaving their jobs due to menopause.
  • Companies must:
  • Educate employees by inviting experts to normalize these conversations.
  • Provide resources for stress management and relaxation.
  • Encourage female leaders to share their experiences to inspire and support others.

Moving Forward

Breaking the silence around these topics is not just a health issue but a workplace imperative. By fostering awareness and offering tools and support, we can create inclusive, productive environments where everyone thrives.


A number of speakers joined this interesting conversation. If you’d like to get in touch with them here is their contact information:


Diane Elsen  – FAM (Feminist-Advocate-Menopause coaching specialist)

Email :


Carrie Cannon – Health Coach, Nurse, Founder of CarrieCannonHealth and ThinkPinkLux



Victoria Honey – Honey Pause Wellness
Victoria Honey, Perimenopause Empowerment Specialist



Iryna Sagaidak – Pain Thereapist, Somatic Bodywork Practitioner, Entrepreneur



Let’s continue the conversation to build healthier workplaces for all.