Interview with our General Secretary Violaine Couturier

Who are you?

I am Violaine Couturier, the actual Secretary of the Network. I am an independent Director and a mother of 4 children. I am concerned with inclusion as I suffer from hearing problems.

Why did you join THE NETWORK?

I joined The Network for the great variety of themes covered by the events (from personal growth to professional one) and the networking proposed around those events. 

I joined as I was curious, that was one of my best decisions. 

I must admit that I had not thought the atmosphere could be so pleasant and the women met could be so fantastic.

What are your duties as General Secretary of THE NETWORK?

I am actually the general Secretary of the Network. I must admit that a fantastic team supports me in executing the tasks attributed to the Secretary. Anne Pinholt and Thelma Hurtis are a big support, as well, as the other directors. 

Personally, I have to assure the organisation of the monthly Board meetings of the Directors, as well as the ordinary, and if the case may be, the extraordinary general meetings of the members. As a former lawyer, I am also in charge of the legal monitoring. Generally, I accomplish what can help the goals pursued by The Network, even if it is beyond my tasks. 

Why would you recommend THE NETWORK to women around you? 

The Network is an extraordinary benevolent framework where you can improve some of your soft skills, discover new interesting personal or professional areas and of course network! 

As The Network is an association reserved to female members, you will increase your chances to meet other women with, almost the same interests as yours. 

Any advice or thoughts you'd like to share with the readers?

I’ll make it short and simple: try, come to one of our Events, enjoy the wonderful positive atmosphere of our networking moments, meet women. The positive energy of our meetings will be addictive!