Let’s continue our theme of making 2023 your best year yet! Join our Discover Your Power event! Come to uncover your personal best!

During this event you will get the basic understanding of what it means to have different behaviors and working styles in a team.

The teams and companies that win in the long run, where people actually want to work and stay, are those who cherish and encourage diversification – also when it comes to personalities and behavior.

You will learn more about your natural strengths, limitations and blind spots. What is your working styles (both as employee and entrepreneur), what fuel you need to feel motivated, to feel much more confident and grounded.

As usual drinks and snacks will be served during the networking part of the event.

This event is free for members, you just need to enter your member code when booking your ticket.

About the Speaker

Sophia Karlsson is a Human Experience Consultant, Keynote Speaker, and Certified Coach, with a passion for authentcity. She has twenty years of background in the financial industry and additional experience and certifications in behavioral analysis, effective communication and career coaching. With this unique combination of perspectives Sophia helps clients see the importance of cultivating natural strengths and individual values so that both employees and corporations can thrive and reach their highest potential and productivity.

Sophia’s ability to connect with the audience creates a safe space for sharing and learning. She engages groups from the moment she steps in front of them and leaves them empowered with new insights and practical tools to use long after the event.

Sophia is Swedish, living in Luxembourg since 2007. When she’s not working her two sporty kids take up most of her time.