About this event

How do we equip ourselves with tools to rapidly adjust to cultural changes and communicate effectively in an international environment?

Raising our cross-cultural awareness not only questions our perceptions and attitudes it also self-questions who we are.

Our NETWORK member Françoise Falaise will facilitate this event and open our minds to more creative ways to leverage cultural differences.

She will look at how bridging cultural differences aims to unleash our individual and collective potentials and guide us in open discussions on questions such as:

  • What are cultural stereotypes based on?
  • How to build trust with people from a different culture?
  • What does cultural agility mean and how to develop this skill?

Sometimes finding answers to these questions seems difficult even when we have been working and living in a multi-cultural environment for long. It is not a taken for granted reality.

This interactive workshop will explore some of our cultural biases, how they are often deeply rooted in our beliefs and behaviours and how they can impact our personal and professional relationships in a multi-cultural environment.

Through a brief presentation of the Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) assessment tool, Françoise will explain the salient cultural characteristics for individuals, teams and organisations. This development and audit tool offers an inclusive and dynamic vision of culture.

Registration closes on: Monday 21st March @12 noon