AGM 2019: A great year in review
March is the month of The NETWORK’s AGM – a great opportunity for both members and the board to celebrate achievements and learn some lessons. The AGM 2019 showed us, once again, what great milestones we can achieve when we can count on dynamic and hard-working volunteering members. Not only did we organise some wonderful events, but we benefited from an overwhelming increase of attendance, raise in members, well-organised administration and registration procedures, heightened media presence, timely financial reporting and …. lots of Networking!
Our events in 2018
2018 at The NETWORK saw another full year of interesting events based on the members’ feedback of the ‘Four Pillars Strategy’: Business Development, Personal Growth, Community Issues and Social Networking.
We’ve made it a habit to send out a survey after each event and we are very proud to say that we’ve managed to take all the constructive feedback and translate it into action with the first occasion. We’re trying hard to take into account our members’ needs and most of the comments we received, as well the increase in participation, showed us that we’ve managed to stay relevant.
The AGM 2019 was also the occasion to thank Virginia Anderson, who coordinated the Events team on 2018, for all the hard work and commitment. She has stepped down from the Board to pursue some exciting opportunities in her professional career as a coach, but will remain a member us and delight us with her large smile and positive attitude in future events. The Board has appointed a new Events Manager – Claire Towlson, whom we are sure will bring us some extraordinary speakers and topics.
Membership and Treasury
The Membership Committee and our Treasurer are your first point of contact at all of our events and provide a warm welcome to each and every guest. Their role is to make sure the registration process runs smoothly, maintain the membership lists and keep the accounts in order.
2018 was the year of change and innovation for this committee, as well. We have put in place a membership module on our website to allow our friends and followers to become members in just a couple of clicks, from their PC or smartphones. In recent weeks, existing members have also been asked to log in via the website and update their data. This is important so we have our members’ full data for RCS reporting purposes. You will also receive notifications when your membership is about to expire and be able to renew it in the blink of an eye.
As announced during the AGM 2019, our beloved treasurer Astrid Wittorski stepped down from her role and we were happy to welcome Mariana Florea to the Board.
More visibility for The NETWORK in 2018
The communications team have excelled this year in promoting The NETWORK. In 2018, they have managed to attract over 4,000 users to our website, through blog posts and the events calendar. The team has continued consolidating our presence online, with a focus on Facebook and LinkedIn. They have run pre-event campaigns to present the facilitators and promote our workshops, as well as awareness-raising campaigns (e.g. Colour Run).
As far as the newsletter is concerned, the Communications team has continued its strive to make it more relevant and has started sending personalised versions to our registered members and friends. Any member who is not receiving our monthly newsletter emails, should contact: You will then be provided a link from which you can sign up.
In 2019, The NETWORK is completing a revamp of the website, to make it more user-friendly and attractive.
We have an exciting year ahead at The NETWORK and we look forward to continuing to empower, encourage and connect women across Luxembourg and beyond.