2016 Activity Wrap-up

    This has been a wonderful year for The NETWORK
Q1   Events: A big thanks to Marilou and our fabulous events committee volunteers, who came together to plan and put on wonderful events (see sidebar), praise has been high every month. Marilou has worked hard to surface and execute ideas from the membership and to have a full slate of timely and topical events.


This year, The NETWORK also began to partner with AMCHAM and AIESBO (the Association of International English-speaking Business Organisations) to allow our membership to attend events that we are not able to host independently.


Membership: If you have attended a monthly event, you’ve probably had a chat with one of our Membership Ambassadors, who make sure that every guest and member is chatting and networking from the time they enter the room! Thanks to Wendy and our membership committee volunteers who went above and beyond welcoming members and guests at our monthly events and also coming up with some really innovative and fun ‘membership drive’ ideas. Our New Member Referral program, saw dozens of water-bottles distributed for our 25th anniversary year and the committee has guided the Board toward a more strategic approach to enrolling our constituents.


Social Media, Communications & PR: As well as celebrating our 25th year, The NETWORK has undergone a bit of a metamorphosis in terms of image and media presence. 2016 saw the design of our new logo and the implementation of an updated and very chic new website (Thanks Laetitia for the initial design!! Thanks Amy for shepherding us through the [sometimes] painful development & deployment process!!). You can look forward to incremental improvements in the site as we tweak things here and there. As well, we have moved to promoting our events on Eventbrite, which eventually will be integrated into our site. This gives us a wider promotion base, reaching more potential members and guests.  Katerina, our departing PR Master, has kept The NETWORK in the news consistently over the year and we appreciate her dedication on top of a very hectic and demanding professional work schedule.


Financial & Process

A huge thanks to Christine (VP), Astrid (Treasurer) for automating our ‘at-the-door’ registration & payment process. For the people who are still paying when they arrive, this has cut wait time and streamlined the process so that our volunteers are also able to participate in our events. JaneAnne, our GS, has spent the past few months, getting our records in order and seeking out missing information that we need to have available. Each month we feel more and more organized and on top of things!!


Get Involved!!

It is difficult to run an association for professional women on the steam of volunteers who already have full-time jobs, so we are doubly grateful for the women who give their free time to help make this such a wonderful experience for all. If you have an idea for an event, are a social media whizz, or just like to talk to and/or meet new people – we have a place for you on a committee!! Talk to us about your interests and we will find a group where you will fit and be valued!!

Self Defense  
Negotiation Skills  
Volunteer Appreciation  
Speed Mentoring  
Social Media  
Balancing Act  
Summer Drinks  
Summer Gala (Partner event)  
Wine Tasting  
1-1-1 Co’s (Partner event)  
Communicating for Success  
25th Anniversary